Thursday, July 12, 2018

Wednesday and Thursday Update!


Hi from Sophie, Adam and Jessie!
Yesterday we volunteered at the Boys and Girls Club in the morning. We struggled in the begging because the teacher of each age group had a set task and we were not sure how we were supposed to help. We decided to play games we learned in youth group with some of the kids, which was really fun!
During lunch, we listened to Miss Debbie’s testimony. She is running the STEAM program for kids at Voice of Calvary. She emphasized how good God has been in her life and how she realized that God has a plan for everyone. It encouraged us to hear how God is working in our lives.
Then, some of us worked on inventory in the VOCM shop while the others stayed to paint a mural of the Fruit of the Spirit. The girls have been working on painting a mural which will be displayed on one of the windows of the Voice of Calvary Office. They are planning on having every mission group paint a mural, and we are the first ones to do it. We are so excited to share a picture of it with you when it is done.
                Gateway is an organization that helps people with homelessness and addictions. Half of our team visited Gateway on Wednesday to serve them dinner and the second team will visit tomorrow. After they were served dinner, we sat down and connected with some of them. We gave dinner to a total of three groups and then we cleaned the area. We returned to the house after we finished.
We had the pleasure of hearing a lesson from Sam Pollard, who was volunteer coordinator in the past trips. He gave the seniors, Micah, Evan, Jessie, and Marcel, a blessing and encouragement using his past history and Bible verses.

This morning, some of us went do yardwork in an elderly woman’s house, and the other half of the group stayed behind to pant walls in a  classroom in VOC and work on the mural. During lunch we heard Miss Barbara’s testimony and her message about staying close to your siblings and always forgiving each other.
Tonight, we went to Hip-Hop Night in Claibrone Park which was hosted by Common Ground Church who is associated with VOC. After a short downpour, we ate hotdogs and beans and listened to live music by kids and adults from the community. We got to interact with the kids and play a thrilling game of ultimate frisbee.  

Thank you for your prayers for our team. Please continue to pray for us as we have our last day of work tomorrow and then travel home on Saturday.

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