Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Monday Update from Evan!

We did lots of different stuff today at Common Ground Church in West Jackson. To start off the day the group worked with welcoming and working with the new kids at Voice of Calvary’s new camp to help educate kids for a kindergarten readiness program from the ages 4-6 years old in the city. Some of the group cheered the kids into the building while the rest were inside testing the kid's knowledge on some basic spelling, colors, and numbers. After we finished welcoming and testing the kids, we brought them down the hall to start their classes with some local teachers from the area and moved outside. Once outside we needed to paint some iron poles that were supporting a roof up on a walk way. Before we could begin painting we needed to scrape the old paint that was chipping off the poles from erosion. After we had finished that, we went inside to eat the lunch that the volunteer cook for the week at VOC had prepared for us. While eating the president of VOC Phil Reed gave us a speech about how their programs work and stuff they had done over the past years with the community. After lunch we then painted the poles and scraped and painted some doors that needed to be redone as well. While some of the group focused on that others went and began preparing the background for a mural they will be painting later in the week. At the end of the day we cleaned up all the supplies we had used. Tonight we will be making a trip to WalMart for some supplies for the rest of our time here. We are having a great week so far!
Thanks for your continued prayers,
Evan Locke

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